Jul 30, 2022
ENTERTAINING SHORT FILMS is a new category on the RPA Network, which features indie short films for your enjoyment! We applaud these creators!
A musician's quiet evening turns into a night of terror when he sees his roommate sleepwalking!
Written & Directed by Andy Chen
Vinny Balbo as "Vincent"
David Illy...
Jul 30, 2022
In this episode:
Website: https://hoodoolounge.net
Shows on The RPA Podcast/Network:
Mondays: Real Paranormal Activity - The Podcast
Jul 29, 2022
ENTERTAINING SHORT FILMS is a new category on the RPA Network, which features indie short films for your enjoyment! We applaud these creators!
When a candidate interviews for a new job at an "unorthodox" firm, the process quickly turns into a boundary-breaking process of social control.
Directed by Barnaby Roper
Jul 29, 2022
ENTERTAINING SHORT FILMS is a new category on the RPA Network, which features indie short films for your enjoyment! We applaud these creators!
A father discovers his children are grieving their mother's death in their own terrifying way, after having met a mysterious entity in the woods!
A Black Mountain Visuals...